Habitat Management and Habitat Monitoring

At FitzGerald Ecology, our Habitat Management and Habitat Monitoring service is dedicated to the long-term conservation and maintenance of Ireland’s diverse habitats.


We understand that the conservation of natural habitats requires more than just protection – it requires active, thoughtful management that considers the many challenges that our wild habitats continue to face, even when legally protected, and even more so when they are not (yet) protected.


In an era where ecological threats and pressures are increasing, habitat management and monitoring become crucial in safeguarding them from further deterioration, for the benefit of posterity.

The conservation of natural habitats requires more than just protection.

Habitat Management and Monitoring Ireland

Our Habitat Management and Monitoring Approach

Assessment and Planning


  • Habitat Evaluation: We begin with a thorough baseline evaluation of the site and its habitats, assessing its current condition, ecological value, and any existing threats or pressures.

  • Development of Management Strategies: Based on our evaluation, we develop a comprehensive management plan that outlines the necessary actions for habitat conservation and enhancement.

Implementation and Monitoring


  • Active Management: Our team monitors and/or carries out active management practices such as habitat restoration, invasive species control, installation of mammal camera traps, etc.

  • Continuous Monitoring: We believe in the importance of ongoing monitoring to assess the effectiveness of our management strategies and adjust as needed, e.g. vegetation quadrat recording, bird/bat monitoring surveys, pollinator surveys, etc.

Community and Stakeholder Engagement


  • Inclusive Approach: We engage with local communities, stakeholders, and conservation groups to ensure a collaborative approach to habitat management.

  • Education and Awareness: Part of our management service includes educating stakeholders about the importance of habitat conservation and sustainable practices – this may include training/education days or the installation of signage, etc.

Long-term Commitment to Habitat Conservation

Our goal is to establish long-term and iterative management plans that ensure the sustained health and vitality of our wild habitats. This involves:


  • Future Planning: Looking ahead to future challenges and opportunities and planning accordingly.
  • Adaptive Management: Being flexible and adaptive in our approach to accommodate changing environmental conditions and ecological understanding.

Contact Us for Sustainable Habitat Management and Habitat Monitoring:

Email: afitzgerald@fitzgeraldecology.ie

Phone: +353-86-1266-167

Habitat Management and Monitoring
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Safeguarding Rare Plant Species

In 2022, FitzGerald Ecology completed a full flora study and rare plant survey of four sub-sites within Turvey Nature Reserve, Co. Dublin. As part of this work, we were responsible for the transplantation of two rare plant populations which were at risk of damage from planned environmental engineering works in the area. This transplantation was conducted successfully. This flora study will inform future environmental engineering works to be carried out by the client within Turvey Nature Reserve in the coming years, which is partially within the Rogerstown Estuary Special Area of Conservation (SAC).