Environmental Impact Assessment - Biodiversity Chapters in Ireland

In Ireland, Environmental Impact Assessment Reports play a pivotal role in evaluating the potential impacts of proposed developments on the environment, and the Biodiversity Chapters within these are a particular focus for FitzGerald Ecology. Our service in this area focuses on meticulously assessing the potential impacts of development projects on Ireland’s rich and increasingly threatened biodiversity. 

Dedicated to understanding how proposed developments could affect local species and habitats.

Environmental Impact Assessment - Biodiversity Chapters in Ireland

The Significance of EIA Biodiversity Chapters

The Biodiversity Chapters in Environmental Impact Assessments are dedicated to understanding how proposed developments could affect local species and habitats. This section of an EIA is crucial because it:


  • Informs Sustainable Development: Helps ensure that development projects proceed without causing undue harm to biodiversity.
  • Meets Legal Obligations: Aligns with national and EU environmental regulations, including the EU Habitats Directive.

Guides Mitigation and Enhancement Measures: Identifies necessary measures to mitigate negative impacts and opportunities to enhance biodiversity.

Our Approach to EIA Biodiversity Chapters

FitzGerald Ecology adopts a comprehensive and multi-disciplinary approach to the Biodiversity Chapters of Environmental Impact Assessments:


Thorough Biodiversity Assessment

  • Species and Habitat Surveys: Conducting detailed surveys to catalogue and assess the status of various flora and fauna species and habitats potentially impacted by the proposed development.
  • Ecological Data Analysis: Analysing data to predict potential impacts on biodiversity, including changes in habitat quality, fragmentation, or loss of species. 

Impact Analysis and Reporting

  • Impact Evaluation: Assessing both direct and indirect impacts of proposed developments on biodiversity. This also includes in-combination assessments. The ‘precautionary principle’ is applied in these impact evaluations. 
  • Clear and Comprehensive Documentation: Compiling findings into the Biodiversity Chapters of EIAs, ensuring they are clear, detailed, and based on sound ecological research.

Strategic Recommendations

  • Mitigation Strategies: Proposing strategies to avoid, minimise, or mitigate negative impacts on biodiversity.
  • Enhancement Opportunities: Identifying opportunities to enhance biodiversity through habitat restoration, translocation or other conservation measures. These may include ‘New Biodiversity Gain’ measures. 

Contact Us for Expertise in EIA Biodiversity Chapters:

Email: afitzgerald@fitzgeraldecology.ie
Phone: +353-86-1266-167

Environmental Impact Assessment Ireland Biodiversity Chapters – FitzgGerald Ecology
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Safeguarding Rare Plant Species

In 2022, FitzGerald Ecology completed a full flora study and rare plant survey of four sub-sites within Turvey Nature Reserve, Co. Dublin. As part of this work, we were responsible for the transplantation of two rare plant populations which were at risk of damage from planned environmental engineering works in the area. This transplantation was conducted successfully. This flora study will inform future environmental engineering works to be carried out by the client within Turvey Nature Reserve in the coming years, which is partially within the Rogerstown Estuary Special Area of Conservation (SAC).